PART #: A-2601210 Andersen

Andersen Grille Fastener for Grilles with a Notch in Terratone (1985 to 1995) - Terratone

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Color: Terratone

Product Details

Andersen Grille Fastener for Grilles with a Notch - Terratone Color
Works with multiple product lines such as Perm-Shield Gliding, Frenchwood Gliding and Hinged Patio Doors. Narroline Double-Hung and Tilt-Wash Double Hung Windows 1985 to 1995.
This fastener is for custom 1-1/8" wood " grilles that are notched out on the back side.
The fastener is pushed between the sash wood stop and glass (on the interior). Allows wood grilles to fasten in the window and be removed for cleaning
This fastener is for grilles that have a terratone exterior.
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